Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why Naïve leaders Learn to Screw Things Up


 Photo courtesy of Hugh Macleod

In times of uncertainty there is something to be said for “wild eyed curiosity.” That first day on the job amazement where one starts over bent on raising hell to shake things up for the better. The leader, front-line supervisor and newbie worker at least temporarily are forgiven for screwing things up. 

Curiosity for a leader or individual is motivated by a “cheeky rebelliousness” against “My way or the highway.”  They respond instinctively to processes and meetings with disdain asking the most basic of questions,” Why are we doing this?” 

Yet, what generally occurs to the newly motivated leader and employee bent on making a difference? The leader becomes captured by the process listening instead to everyone except those closest to the customers. The employee as sincere as any manager is berated with, “If we paid you to think you wouldn’t be here.” 

The leader and manager along with every small business owner anywhere defy their industry in responding to uncertainty with reinvention. To innovate. Reimagine always and forever. They learn simply to shed old ways for new ways. Jim 

How are you responding to a competitive and economic environment unlike anything that has come before? 

Jim Woods is about helping companies and people engage innovate and grow in all the areas important to them. Jim is a professional speaker, author, coach, and strategy consultant based in Colorado Springs, Co. Follow Jim on Twitter @innothinkgroup , Facebook Group or check out his company website for more tips and strategies effective leadership, engaged employees, increase growth, and customer effectiveness through innovation. To arrange for Jim to consult or speak at your event email Jim.

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