Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dan Rockwell - Overcoming the Reason People Resist Change #Leadership


“In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to
changing vessels is more productive
than energy devoted to patching leaks.”
Warren Buffett

Talking about change is easy, acceptable, even exciting. Talking and executing are two different things. Change becomes real when we have to change our own attitudes and behaviors, not until.

The wrong picture:

Change movements don’t begin with painting pictures of a castle on the hill – dreams of the future.

People won’t dream of bright futures
until it feels dark all around.

The right picture:

Doom and gloom in the valley always comes before gleaming castles on the hill.

Change movements begin with dissatisfaction in the present. Create want. People won’t change until they want change.

Change begins with those who accept
that the present is unacceptable.

Paint pictures of organizations who failed doing the things you’re doing. Demonstrate the current path is mediocrity at best and death at the worst.


  1. All doom and gloom inspires defeat not dreams.
  2. Insulting the present insults those who are invested in the present.
  3. Making it hurt, hurts. All change hurts because something always goes away.


  1. Where possible, celebrate and build on the past and present.
  2. Help people see where they fit in.

    People won’t go to a place
    where they don’t have a place

  3. Provide large doses of comfort and encouragement with honor, recognition, and gratitude.
  4. Realize all change happens from the bottom up and the top down. Neglect one and you’re doomed.

Martin Luther King’s dream was a top-down and a bottom-up movement. Its real power was it touched and empowered people at the bottom.

Favorite quotes:

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.” -Karen Lamb

“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”—General Eric Shinseki 

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Jim is an expert on leadership, competitive strategy, and organizational issues. Some of his work has focused on how organizations attain superior performance, and how they constantly reinvent advantages to propel growth in times of stress.   

For Speaking or Consulting Engagements Contact Jim
Jim Woods
President and CEO InnoThink Group
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